Thursday, January 10, 2008

Paintings Below Zero Press Week

January 9, 2008

It feels like our last week at The Fulton as Friday, the plates are scheduled to be packed out for re-configuration at the Public Art Warehouse. We noticed street banners along Michigan Avenue this morning! The weather, which has been warm, is a bit cooler today. And of course, there's the political buzz from the primaries. This gem of a photo was taken by Patrick Pyszka.(You can see more of his photos on the City of Chicago website: Here's another:

Frank Mathie from WLS Chicago ABC arrived this morning, just after a huge painting was separated from its giant cookie sheet in the workshop at The Fulton. But once the camera crew got inside the cold room, we saw three or four multi dimensional, multi colored paintings, and all sorts of activity.

A beautiful surprise. The pallets and paintings looked a bit like a jigsaw puzzle across the frozen floor.

The noise level was chaotic while Erik and Tim began sawing through the ice pieces.

Here’s Matt wrapping.

Ari and Katie moved huge pieces.

Everything was in motion, a flow of color. My camera kept blinking red -- too cold. The broadcast on ABC aired at 5pm. Check it out online.

Lunch, a first for the crew at “Le Peep”. At 1, Tim and I met staff at The Chicago Cultural Center for a meeting about all the ‘what if’s of the next few weeks: what’s involved in the move to Millennium Park; how’s the truss system going to work? When are the docents being trained? Are lights going to unveil the painting? Can people touch the work? How is the rink painting going to be made with daily skaters? We all agreed on one thing: “until this piece is up” not every detail will be known.

Meanwhile, two reporters from The Chicago Tribune came to the suite to find out more about Gord's process for producing these works, for a large feature later on in the month. Here’s Keith Klaxton, Sue-Lyn Erbeck, Gord and Christine Carrino at the hotel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pace is really picking up! It's so exciting! Another grand adventure!